Tag: Village life

From Medovka to SMART: Misak Martirosyan Road to…

‘Stadiodrom, Pierre de Coubertin, Scapula levator’ — if you don’t know which of these is a human muscle, which the term for a running distance, and which is the name of the founder of the modern Olympic Games, then you definitely haven’t been in the SMART Center’s virtual reality (VR) fitness class with instructor Misak Martirosyan.

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Boarding Call for Direct Flight from Karakert CFC to Dalarik School

If you ask 5-year old Nare, a graduate of the Karakert Child and Family Center, why she attended the center for two years, she will answer without hesitation and to the point: “because it’s interesting at the center.” The details will come in enthusiastically immediately after, about how they would exercise, paint, put on a puppet show, and make craft animals out of different materials.

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