The first month of the summer brought the state of emergency to the village, shortly after here appeared the first case of coronavirus. The mask became as important in Aygehovit as in other hot areas of the pandemic. 

Aygehovit is a borderline village in Tavush region. Here women work in the village, whereas men in Russia. 

Due to COVID-19, a part of the male workers wasn’t able to leave for migrant work abroad. They were “captivated” in their own villages. 

The people of Aygehovit are not upset by difficulties; they cultivate their gardens with the same enthusiasm, prepare piles of grass for the winter, and make canned fruits. 

Every day in Aygehovit was an emergency way before the state of emergency.  

The village is located on the border of Armenia and Azerbaijan. 

A view from the road to Aygehovit village, Tavush region.
When the helping hands are not enough, people put shawls of cloth or polyethylene under the mulberry tree and shake the tree with a long stick.
There are almost no males in the village this season of the year. Everyone is away for migrant work in Russia. This year some of them stayed in the village due to the pandemic.
Landscape. The roofs of village houses are hardly seen between the bushy trees. Aygehovit is all soaked in green.
Grandma collects currants with her grandson. This year the harvest of currant and raspberry is quite rich.
Sos, 18, has been keeping doves since childhood. He learned dove-keeping from his father. He now has more than 20 doves of different species and colors.
“Throw~, Mom, throw stronger~ (meaning to push/swing in the Tavush dialect),” shouts the 3-year old Alex. Due to the pandemic, he has been home for several months – he is home as the village kindergarten is closed.
Mrs. Laura prepares raspberry compote for winter.
Just like his coevals, Andranik, 3, spends the day by biking around. The pandemic has messed up the plans of pre-school children:)
Vazoot (the esplanade) – this is how the people of Aygehovit call the vineyards adjacent to the village.