Boarding Call for Direct Flight from Karakert CFC to Dalarik School

If you ask 5-year old Nare, a graduate of the Karakert Child and Family Center, why she attended the center for two years, she will answer without hesitation and to the point: “because it’s interesting at the center.” The details will come in enthusiastically immediately after, about how they would exercise, paint, put on a puppet show, and make craft animals out of different materials.

Nare’s mother, Jemma, recounts how her daughter has become more organized and active, and takes on more initiative thanks to the center.

“I like how the specialists that work with the children are psychologists. I really like their approach,” says Jemma, adding that she too has learned quite a lot about parenting in the past two years.

Nare looks forward to when her younger brother will start attending the Karakert CFC more than her mother, because that she’ll have an excuse to visit her dear Ms. Lyudmila, Mrs. Ani, and Ms. Tate from time to time.

Nare refuses to admit that she’s now 6 years old and no longer 5. She’s a schoolgirl now, after all!

At the Child and Family Center in Karakert, parents are actively involved in various activities. Just some of these are the seminars and workshops on parenting that the center organizes.

An example of parent-child rapport and cooperation all in one dance.

The cap and certificate signify that Nare Avetisyan is one of the 42 graduates of the Karakert Child and Family Center in 2024!

Nare is ecstatic that her friends from the Karakert CFC are now her school friends too.

Nare and her classmate making different shapes with colored pencils.

Nare, Samvel, and Mane (from left to right). The mischievous trio is always together—at Dalarik kindergarten, at the Child and Family Center in Karakert, and now in school, too.

When you’re 5 years old, you don’t need an excuse to jump around.

Author: Knar Babayan

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