COAF Yellow Show Bus and Hayk from Vardenik

Vardenik village is in Gegharkunik region of Armenia. It has the biggest population among villages, with over 10.000 inhabitants.

COAF Yellow Show Bus & Collectif Medz Bazar

On a fine June evening, COAF’s photo exhibition bus stopped at Baghramyan Avenue, near the Lovers’ Park. The bus was ready to demonstrate the COAF photo story to Yerevan residents and guests.

9th Annual COAF Summer Soiree

Heavy rains didn’t stop New Yorkers from attending the 9th Annual COAF Summer Soiree on Tuesday, June 18th, 2019 held at the PH-D Rooftop Lounge at the Dream Downtown Hotel.

Classical music & the “national sports” of Karakert

Do you remember the famous game of Rock, Paper and Scissors? Two 8-year-old kids had arrived to take part in COAF SMARTConnects with Arsen Julfalakyan, a Greco-Roman wrestler and Olympic silver medalist.

The singing lawyer & the rocking teenagers

When the members of Salamanca Band arrived in the COAF SMART Center to take part in SMARTConnects, they immediately got surrounded by excited kids that were eager to try their musical instruments and take selfies with them.


New York, US
149 5th Ave., Suite 500
New York, NY 10010
+1 (212) 994-8234

Yerevan, Armenia
2/2 Melik Adamyan
Yerevan 0010, RA
+374 10 502076