It took us about 2 hours to reach Debet through lofty and picturesque hills and mountains of Armenia. The weather was so nice that we spent some time outside enjoying the view, talking to each other, and taking pictures near the SMART Center. Time for SMARTConnects!

It is a different story when nature, healthy lifestyle, mental and physical harmony join together in the atmosphere our guest, an experienced yoga specialist Bella Machkalyan created. 

Bella, a Hospitality Business specialist by profession, practices and teaches yoga for more than 10 years. She promotes a balanced lifestyle and healthy eating habits.

To reach physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual harmony one should filter and remove negative and useless information. The more free space our brain has, the more creative and productive it becomes. “We should always aspire to spend at least 70% of our day on things we truly like and enjoy,” Bella reminds us. Now, let’s exercise! Breathe in… breathe out. Indeed, we did stretches and learned easy tips on everyday exercises at the same time. Not only SMART students but also the staff members and guests were all into the yoga class. 49487277717_dd3322df11_o-1024x683-1.jpg (1024×683)According to Bella, to be physically active we should not forget about having rest.  “We can’t live without rest. To be active, we should always leave room for relaxing,” mentioned Bella. Sometimes, leisure time strongly depends on time management. “ We all love freedom, but remember – the more we organize our day, the more free time we will have at the end of the day,” mentioned Bella. 49486573168_07af9ed534_o-1-1024x683-1.jpg (1024×683)Wrapping up yet another SMARTConnects, we left SMART with the idea that we should treat our life as a place for everything and everything in its place. Let’s always remind ourselves to free our mind to ponder and create, to have enough rest and…stretch, stretch, stretch!

“Keep your back straight!” concluded Bella. 

 We will, Bella. Thank you!